The Strategic Plan sets the direction for the Township of Southwold, and serves as a guiding document that identifies the goals, strategies, and vision of both Council and members of the community. It aligns with the term of Council and is in effect from 2023-2027.
With input from residents, landowners, business leaders and community partners, the Strategic Plan reflects the needs and expectations of the Community. It will drive decision-making in the planning and allocation of resources within the Township.
Strategic Plan Implementation Updates |
The Township of Southwold is a vibrant, safe, and growing rural community recognized for its high quality of life and economic opportunity.
To provide quality municipal services that support growth, prosperity, and exceptional quality of life through prudent management.
Managed Growth
GOAL: Policies and programs that manage growth, maintain community character, protect agricultural land, and align with community capacity.
Infrastructure to support identified residential and industrial growth areas.
Goal Actions |
Welcoming and Supportive Neighbourhoods
GOAL: Inclusive, resident-focused programs, services, and facilities throughout Southwold.
Goal Actions |
Economic Opportunity
GOAL: Investment readiness and support for new and existing businesses.
Goal Actions |
Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability
GOAL: Prudent financial management to address current needs and prepare for the future.
Engaged and informed residents, businesses and other interested parties.
Goal Actions |
Financial Management
Engaged and Informed Stakeholders
Phase 1: Feedback Collection |
Workshops: The Township hosted two community workshop presentation sessions to allow residents to learn more about the purpose of the Strategic Plan and share their vision. There was also a workshop hosted for Council's insight, as well as a workshop for staff to gather their feedback. Survey: Our online survey was open to residents and closed May 22, 2023. Postcards: Informational postcards were distributed throughout the community. Space was provided on the back of the postcard for you to share your goals for the Township of Southwold. Postcards were returned to the Township and was considered in the development of the Strategic Plan. |
Phase 2: Develop Strategic Plan |
During this phase, the Township compiled the community, Council, and staff feedback from workshops, the survey, and postcards. The information gathered assisted in formulating the Draft Strategic Plan, which was presented to Council at their Regular Meeting on August 14, 2023. The final draft of the Strategic plan was presented and approved by Council at their Regular Meeting on September 11, 2023. Click here to view the Key Findings Report from our Community and Council workshops. |
Phase 3: Implementation of Strategic Plan |
For details on the Township of Southwold's implementation of the Strategic Plan, view our Strategic Plan Implementation Plan. |
What is a Strategic Plan? |
A strategic plan serves as framework to guide Council and staff in decision-making to reflect the needs and expectations of the community, and direct resources where they are needed. The Strategic Plan is developed in collaboration with Council, staff, and community partners. |
What is our current Strategic Plan? |
The current Strategic Plan can be found here. |
How is Success Measured? |
The Township will continue to monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan and provide annual reports on the progress. These reports can be found on our Plans, Reports, Studies and Projects. Select Township Strategic Plan in the drop-down menu. |
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