Southwold 175
- The Township of Southwold will be celebrating 175 years of incorporation in 2025
- Save the Date! - Southwold 175 celebrations are planned for August 9, 2025. More information will be shared throughout the year on the Southwold 175 webpage.
- Held each February at the Southwold Keystone Complex in Shedden
- Many outdoor activities including games, food, fireworks and much more!
Communities in Bloom Plant Sale
- The Southwold Communities in Bloom host a plant sale every May at the Keystone Complex.
- Plants are grown by members of the committee and community and are available for purchase.
Rosy Rhubarb Festival
- This event has fun for all ages! What started over 25 years ago by members of the community to fundraise for the Keystone Complex, has turned into a yearly event.
- Held the second weekend in June each year at the Southwold Keystone Complex
- Many activities include baking contests, pancake breakfast, community wide yard sales, all day entertainment and much more!
Shedden Truck and Tractor Pull
- Held the third weekend in June each year at the Southwold Keystone Complex
- The event features various classes from the Empire State Pullers and the Southwestern Ontario Tractor Pullers Association.
Southwold By Tractor
- Our community has a rich agricultural history. Some farmers still own the first tractor their Grandparent's purchased. Every July members of the community join together for a tour of Southwold featuring tractors built pre-1985.
Canada Day Celebrations
- On June 30th every year, the community gathers in the Fingal Ball Park to celebrate Canada Day. Fireworks and fun are put on by the Canada Day Committee in part with the Fingal-Shedden and District Optimist Club
Shedden Fair
- Held the fourth weekend in August every year at the Southwold Keystone Complex, the Shedden Fair and Demolition Derby has fun for the whole family! Events and attractions include midway rides, livestock shows, vendors, kids' zone, farm equipment displays and more!
View the 2024 170th Annual Shedden Fair Prize List Book
Fingal-Shedden and District Optimist Club Slo-Pitch Tournament
- Held Labour Day weekend every September at the Fingal Ball Park
Southwold Volunteer Fire Department Beef and Pork BBQ
- Held annually the Sunday after Labour day in September, our local firefighters host a Beef BBQ at the Southwold Keystone Complex Pavilion
Fingal-Shedden and District Optimist Club Youth Halloween Party
- Held the Friday before Halloween each year, the Optimist club hosts a youth Halloween party at the Southwold Keystone Complex.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
- Held the Sunday before Remembrance Day every year, the Township of Southwold War Memorial commemorates the veterans of our community. Join them at the Southwold Keystone Complex for a wonderful service and outdoor wreath laying ceremony.
Fingal-Shedden and District Optimist Club Santa Claus Parade
- Held the first Sunday in December every year in Fingal. Come out to see all of the holiday spirit in the floats, and even an appearance by Santa.
Southwold Young @ Heart Christmas Dinner
- Held each December, the Southwold Young @ Heart committee brings together the seniors in the community for a delicious holiday meal.