Capital Projects - 2025
The Township has completed a map of the capital projects planned for 2025. Each project was included in the 2025 Capital Project Budget Presentation for Roads and Infrastructure.
Details of each project can be found below:
Iona Road Culvert Replacement |
In Spring of 2024, a culvert on Iona Road, 1.5 km south of Fingal Line, suffered a washout and failure due to significant rainfall. During repair activities, a leak in the crossing watermain was found and further damage to the culvert was exposed. Replacement of this crossing is required to protect the road from future washouts. |
Scotch Line Culvert Replacement |
A previously uninspected structure on Scotch Line was identified as in need of replacement in the 2024 Bridge and Culverts inspections. The structure is suffering from some significant cracks and delamination. |
Burwell Bridge Guide Rail Restoration |
Burwell Bridge was replaced as part of 2024 Capital Projects. The guide rails now need to be replaced. |
Lyle Road Bridge Restoration |
The 2022 Bridge and Culvert inspections identified Lyle Bridge in need of repairs to address deck and guiderail deficiencies. The structure is in good condition, but does suffer from delamination on the decking, which can permeate to the structural reinforcement. Protecting the deck with waterproofing and paving and addressing safety concerns with the railing will ensure the structure continues to serve the Township well into the future. |
Scotch Line Surface Treatment |
Scotch Line had edge repairs completed. It is advantageous to seal the joints with surface treatment. Some additional asphalt padding in rutted areas will be completed. |
Thomas Road Reconstruction and Culvert Replacement |
Thomas Road is identified in the 2024 Road Needs Study as in need of investment. Staff recommend coordinating this investment with proposed development to capture efficiencies and provide a long-term improvement to the area. |
Bush Line Rehabilitation |
Most of Bush Line has been addressed with various capital projects over the years, some with asphalt and others with additional surface treatments. There is a section of road that has yet to be resurfaced. Staff recommend spot repairs and a single surface treatment to address deficiencies in this section. |
Begg Road Rehabilitation |
The treated surface of Begg Road is at the end of its useful life and is due for rehabilitation. This project would consist of pulverizing the existing surface, the addition of granular materials to strengthen the road base, and a double surface treatment. |
John Wise Line/Longhurst Line Rehabilitation |
Longhurst Line and John Wise Line are showing structural distress and require investment. With increased traffic counts, the Road Needs Study Recommends upgrading to an asphalt surface. Work plan includes pulverizing existing surface, addressing structural defects, top-dress with gravel, and pave with 50mm of asphalt. |
Sanitary Servicing |
For more information on Shedden and Fingal Sanitary Servicing projects, visit the project page. |
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