Being a By-law to appoint Councillors and Ratepayers to various Boards and Committees requiring Council representation and to repeal By-law No. 2022-06.
This by-law is printed under and by authority of the Council of the Township of Southwold.
Disclaimer: The following consolidation is an electronic reproduction made available for information only. It is not an official version of the by-law. The format may be different, and plans, pictures, other graphics, or text may be missing or altered. The Township of Southwold does not warrant the accuracy of this electronic version. This consolidation cannot be distributed or used for commercial purposes. It may be used for other purposes only if you repeat this disclaimer and the notice of copyright. Official versions of all by-laws can be obtained from the Clerk’s Department by calling 519-769-2010.
WHEREAS the Line Fences Act, .S.O 1990, c. 17, s. 2, as amended, requires that the Council of every local municipality shall by by-law appoint such number of fence-viewers as are required to carry out the provisions of this Act and the by-law shall fix the remuneration to be paid to the fence-viewers and the remuneration may be fixed on an hourly or daily rate or a rate for each attendance or re-attendance by the fence-viewers;
AND WHEREAS the Protection of Livestock and Poultry Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.24, s. 4 (1), as amended, requires that the council of every local municipality shall appoint one or more persons as valuers of livestock and poultry for the purposes of this Act;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, S.11(1), as amended, confers broad authority to municipalities to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues;
AND WHEREAS the Township of Southwold is a member of various bodies and organizations to which it appoints members;
AND WHEREAS the Township of Southwold has established a variety of Committees to carry out programs and make recommendations to Council;
1. THAT the following persons are hereby appointed as Fence Viewers for the Township of Southwold;
Dwight Koyle Nick Doelman
2. THAT the remuneration for Fence Viewers be set at a rate of $60 for each attendance up to a maximum of two hours, and then $60 for each hour thereafter, plus mileage:
3. THAT the fee to the applicant is set at $180 (which represents $60/fence viewer x 3) for each authorized attendance up to a maximum of 2 hrs + mileage, and then $180 for every hour thereafter plus all administrative costs associated with the request.
4. THAT the following person are hereby appointed as Livestock Evaluators for the Township of Southwold;
Julian Brown
5. THAT the remuneration be set at a rate of $50 per attendance plus mileage;
6. THAT the Members of Council for the Township of Southwold are hereby appointed to the following Boards and Committees:
a. Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management
Councillor John Adzija
b. St. Thomas Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management
Deputy Mayor Justin Pennings Alternate: Councillor John Adzija
c. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority
Mayor Grant Jones
d. Green Lane Landfill Public Liaison Committee
Councillor Scott Fellows
e. Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority
Councillor Sarah Emons
f. Southwold Community Policing Association
Councillor Scott Fellows
g. Green Lane Community Trust Fund – Board of Directors
Mayor Grant Jones Deputy Mayor Justin Pennings
Councillor Sarah Emons
7. THAT the following members of Council, ratepayers and staff are hereby appointed to Township Committees as follows:
a. Canada Day Committee
Councillor John Adzija Lizeanne Kerkvliet
Jim Carder
b. Parks Committee
Deputy Mayor Justin Pennings Councillor Scott Fellows
Representative from Men’s Baseball
Representative from Men’s Soccer
Representative from Ladies’ Soccer
Janice Fisher, Acting Representative
Representative from Men’s Baseball
Representative from Adult Soccer
Representative from Youth Soccer
Representative from Men’s Baseball
Ross Burgar
*Staff Resources – Accounting Clerk, Parks and Facilities Operator
c. Shedden Recreation & Keystone Complex Committee
Councillor John Adzija Councillor Scott Fellows
Shirley Longhurst - Fair Board Don Miller - Fair Board
John Coleman – Ice Pad
Jim Carder – Optimist Club of Fingal-Shedden & District (Alt. Bill Carder)
Keith Orchard – Rosy Rhubarb
Brian Rieger - Shedden Tractor Pull (Alt. Bob Cummings)
Lindsay Lackey – Shedden Soccer
*Staff Resource - Community Services & Communications Clerk
d. Southwold War Memorial Committee
Councillor Sarah Emons Rev. John Brown Bill Aarts Len Lynch
Rev. Diane Macpherson Gayle Bogart
Sandy Annett
* Staff Resource – Deputy Treasurer
e. Southwold Economic Development Committee
Deputy Mayor Justin Pennings Councillor John Adzija
Jim Carder Graydon Laing
Steve Bushell Hiba Arabi
Barry Harrison
*Representative from Elgin Business Resource Centre
*Representative from County of Elgin Economic Development
* Staff-Resources – Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer, Director of Infrastructure and Development Services
f. Communities in Bloom
Mayor Grant Jones Karen Graff
Shelley Smith Christine McArthur
Cathy Koyle Jo-Anne Cummings-Stinson
Dan Nichols Harvey Graff
*Staff Resource - Corporate Services Clerk
g. History Committee
Ross Burgar Pat Temple
Mary Clutterbuck Perry Clutterbuck
Karen Collard Janice Fisher
Kim Poole Ken Monteith
Luella Monteith
h. Family Day Committee
Councillor John Adzija Councillor Scott Fellows
Jim Carder Jade Rogers
Abi Drewitt Deb Logghe
Jane Cox Darlene Wadsworth
Scott Young Joe McKinnon
Morgan Gillespie
*Staff Resource - CAO/Clerk
i. Southwold Young at Heart Committee
Councillor Sarah Emons
Deb Logghe Karen Olmstead
Pat Stannard Trudy Kanellis
Karen Auckland Alan Bogart
Ida Martin Sharon Hinz
*Staff Resource - Corporate Services Clerk
j. Zero Waste Committee
Councillor Sarah Emons
Shannon Lynch Richard Andrews
Niki Pennings Jess Andrews
Andrea Kerkvliet
*Staff Resource - Community Services & Communications Clerk
k. Talbotville Station Technical Advisory Committee
Mayor Grant Jones Deputy Mayor Justin Pennings
Jeff McArthur Barry Smith
Rene Coenen Steve Van Maanen
*Staff Resource - Fire Services Coordinator
* denotes Non-Voting Members
l. In order to qualify as an appointed member of a Committee of Council, applicants shall;
i. Be a Canadian citizen
ii. Be at least 18 years old
iii. Not be prohibited from voting under the Election Act R.S.O. 1990 or otherwise prohibited by law
m. In the event of a vacancy, the Committee of Council will recruit replacement members and recommend appointments to be made by Council.
n. Upon acceptance of an application the Municipal Clerk shall notify the applicant(s) and Committee or Board that the position has been filled. The Committee Appointment by-law shall be updated accordingly.
8. The term of office for all volunteer appointments shall be for the term of Council unless terminated sooner by a resolution of Council and unless otherwise prohibited. Volunteer members may be reappointed by resolution of Council to the following term. All members including volunteer and Council members will remain in office until their respective successors are appointed by Council. Council member appointments shall be reviewed at the end of two (2) years.
9. The Council Appointee or Chair of each Committee shall ensure that minutes of each meeting are provided to the Clerk to be circulated to Council.
10. Committee Terms of Reference
11. That by-law 2022-06 is hereby repealed in its entirety and any Bylaws that are inconsistent with the provisions found in this By-Law be and are hereby repealed.
12. That Council may make additional appointments to the committees by resolution.
13. This by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the final reading thereof.
14. If mileage for attending a meeting outside of Elgin County or City of London is not paid for by the associated organization, then mileage would be reimbursed in accordance with the Township of Southwold current policy.
Grant Jones
Jeff Carswell
Schedule “A” to By-Law No. 2022-90
The Committees of Council shall be established and named as follows:
(a) Canada Day Committee
(b) Parks Committee
(c) Shedden Recreation & Keystone Complex Committee
(d) Southwold War Memorial Committee
(e) Communities in Bloom
(f) History Committee
(g) Family Day Committee
(h) Other Committees and Sub-committees appointed from time to time by recommendation of Council.
The Terms of Reference shall apply to all Committees of Council where applicable.
To make recommendations to Council for the operation of the Township.
To make recommendations to Council for the operation of the appropriate department.
The Committee should be established to recommend to Council regarding the operation of the area of responsibility for which the Committee has responsibility. This will help to ensure an efficient operation of the department.
To make recommendations to Administrative Staff and Council for the operation of the various departments of the Township.
i) Parks Committee and Shedden Recreation and Keystone Complex Committee shall be responsible for the following:
(a) To assist Council with identifying recreational needs with the community and recommending programs to fulfill these needs;
(b) Monitor recreational activities and report on all activities through the minutes of their meeting;
(c) The Committee with the assistance of members and volunteer will undertake and promote fundraising and donation programs to the best of their ability. Such programs may be for general operating assistance or special programs /capital projects approved by Council;
(d) Prepare and submit an recommended proposed annual operating and capital budget;
(e) Recommend to Council the appointments of Committee Members and the formation and make up of any Sub Committee;
(f) Provide minutes of the Committee meetings to be circulated to Council for their approval in a timely manner.
ii) Canada Day Committee
(a) To organize on behalf of Council the annual Canada Day celebrations;
(b) To work with other groups and volunteers to organize the Canada Day activities;
(c) To provide Council with the minutes of the Committee meetings to be circulated and approved by Council in a timely manner.
iii) Southwold War Memorial Committee
(a) To organize on behalf of Council the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony;
(b) To provide Council with the minutes of the Committee meetings to be approved by Council in a timely manner.
Meetings will be held on a monthly basis and/or as needed basis, or as called by the Chair of the Committee, at a time and place as agreed by members. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or at the request of two Committee members.
The conduct of Committees of Council and its members are governed by the same legislation as Council. Of particular note, are the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The meetings of the Committee are open to the public. It will be at the decision of the Chairperson of the Committee, if the member(s) of the public are allowed to address the Committee.
Although, the meetings are open to the public this does not allow the public to participate in the meeting, vote on any subject or contribute to the discussions.
Where a matter cannot be settled by consensus, a majority vote of members present will be used to reach a decision. The need for a vote will be at the discretion of the Chairman. A majority vote of the members present will be used to reach a decision.
The Committees of Council shall be comprised of the following members appointed by Council:
(g) Voting Members appointed for the term of Council:
Unless otherwise prohibited, membership on the Committees shall be for the term of Council unless terminated sooner by a resolution of Council. Members may be reappointed by resolution of Council to the following term. All members will remain in office until their respective successors as recommended by the Committee are appointed by Council.
(h) Non-Voting members:
The Township will provide appropriate Township staff resources to assist the Committee as necessary.
In order to qualify as an appointed member of Committee applicants shall;
In the event of a vacancy, either as a result of a resignation or expiration of the term of office, the Committee will recruit replacement members and recommend appointments to be made by Council.
It is anticipated that for various projects and initiatives that sub-committees to focus on one component of an action plan or a specific task will be formed by the Committee. These members would not be appointed by Council but would be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Committee; however, notice of such appointments must be immediately submitted in writing to Council. Appropriate minutes from the Sub-committee shall be maintained and circulated to the Committee and Council.
Hiring of all employees and/or contractors shall be the responsibility of the Township of Southwold.
A quorum shall consist of not less than half plus one of the total numbers of appointed voting members. If there is no quorum within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled time for the meeting, the Chairman will re-schedule the meeting date. Members are urged to call the Chairperson and advise of any regrets.
At the first meeting in each calendar year, elections shall be held by the voting members for the positions of (1) Chairman (2) Vice-Chairman and (3) Secretary, if required.
Vice Chairman
Secretary, if required
Absentee Members
If a member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings, except for health or special circumstances, the remaining members of the Committee may request Council to appoint a recommended replacement for the remainder of the term.
Alternates shall have the same privileges as an appointed member. In the event that a Committee member and/or the alternate cannot attend a meeting, another temporary replacement may be appointed by Council for that meeting.
New Members
The Committee shall recommend names of volunteers to Council for appointment to the Committee.
The Committee may, and is encouraged, to utilize additional volunteers who may participate, at the direction of the Chairperson, but not vote, at Committee meetings. Volunteers may attend or provide assistance to the Committee for general matters or items such as special events. The Committee should appoint volunteers by motion for the purpose of participation in such special events, shall include a note in the minutes of Committee meetings of attendance of such volunteers.
The Committee is a Committee of The Corporation of The Township of Southwold and has the authority to function within the parameters of their Terms of Reference.
The Committee will make recommendations in the form of minutes to the Council for final approval. The Committee will recognize its obligation to ethical behavior and avoidance of conflict of interest, as a body and as individuals, as well as its obligation to meet municipal, provincial, and federal legislative requirements including applicable procedures, policies and by-laws as approved by Southwold Council.
Authority for disposal of excess capital assets or supplies lies with the Council of the Township upon recommendation of the Committee.
Schedule “B” to By-Law No. 2022-90
Southwold Economic Development Committee
The following Committee of Council shall be established and named as follows:
(a) Southwold Economic Development Committee
To identify, develop and evaluate potential economic development opportunities that will ultimately improve the stability of the Township’s tax base and bring jobs to this Township.
To identify new industrial and residential housing development possibilities, promote tourism, large and small business opportunities, agricultural businesses, and other appropriate economic development opportunities. To evaluate these opportunities and bring them to Council for consideration.
(a) Development and implementation of an appropriate action plan;
(b) Development of a cost effective marketing program to promote Southwold Township;
(c) Monitor all economic development activities within Southwold Township;
(d) Prepare and submit a proposal for annual operating budget requirements including long term capital projects for Councils’ consideration and approval annually as required. The Committee will monitor the budget throughout the year;
(e) Identify all potential funding sources;
(f) Identify any potential for shared responsibilities/cost/revenue with our municipal neighbours;
(h) Develop effectiveness measurement plan;
(i) Oversee development and implementation of the Township’s Sustainability Plan;
(j) Identify projects that will help diversify our economic base and explore new projects that will support and lead to new economic growth;
(k) Work in conjunction on joint initiatives when possible with representatives from the Elgin County Economic Development Department;
(i) To recommend the formation of Subcommittee to Council.
Schedule “C” to By-Law No. 2022-90
Southwold Young at Heart Committee
The Committee of Council shall be established and named as follows:
(a) Southwold Young at Heart Committee
The Terms of Reference shall apply to the Southwold Young at Heart Committee, as applicable.
To make recommendations to Council for the engagement of all Township seniors as it relates to all matter of interest to this age group.
To make recommendations to Council in meeting the Strategic Plan Goal of promotion and supporting participation in cultural, recreational, social and good health activities for seniors in the Township.
The Committee should be established to recommend senior’s engagement in recreation, social and cultural activities and promoting senior’s activities in the community.
To make recommendations to Administrative Staff and Council on the following for the Township:
Southwold Young at Heart Committee shall be responsible for the following:
(a) Creation of strategies to support senior’s Active Living engagement throughout the entire municipality.
(b) Recommend the types of activities, the frequency, and the location of these activities.
(c) Recommend operational and financing responsibilities for senior’s activity programs.
(d) Recommend participation requirements/membership structures for activities designed for seniors.
(e) Provide input and suggestions on special guest speakers and topics for education.
(f) Act as a hub/centralized source for dissemination of information on issues (i.e. use of social media, home security, affordable housing, etc.) pertinent to seniors in the municipality.
(g) Providing Council with the minutes of the Committee meetings to be approved by Council in a timely manner.
Meetings will be held on a monthly basis and/or as needed basis at the Township of Southwold Fingal Office’s Council Chambers, or as called by the Chairperson of the Committee, at a time and place as agreed by members. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson.
The conduct of Committees of Council and its members are governed by the same legislation as Council. Of particular note, are the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The meetings of the Committee are open to the public. It will be at the decision of the Chairperson of the Committee, if the member(s) of the public are allowed to address the Committee.
Although, the meetings are open to the public, this does not allow the public to participate in the meeting, vote on any subject or contribute to the discussions.
Where a matter cannot be settled by consensus, a majority vote of members present will be used to reach a decision. The need for a vote will be at the discretion of the Chairperson. A majority vote of the members present will be used to reach a decision.
The Committees of Council shall be comprised of the following members appointed by Council:
(a) Voting Members appointed for the term of Council:
Unless otherwise prohibited, membership on the Committees shall be for the term of Council unless terminated sooner by a resolution of Council. Members may be reappointed by resolution of Council to the following term. All members will remain in office until their respective successors as recommended by the Committee are appointed by Council. The Chairperson will be a voting member and will vote on all matters before the Committee.
(b) Non-Voting members:
The Township will provide appropriate Township staff resources to assist the Committee as necessary.
In order to qualify as an appointed volunteer Community member, Committee applicants shall;
In the event of a vacancy, either as a result of a resignation or expiration of the term of office, the Committee will recruit replacement members and recommend appointments to be made by Council.
It is anticipated that for various projects and initiatives that sub-committees to focus on one component of an action plan or a specific task will be formed by the Committee. These members would not be appointed by Council but would be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Committee; however, notice of such appointments must be immediately submitted in writing to Council. Appropriate minutes from the Sub-committee shall be maintained and circulated to the Committee and Council.
Hiring of all employees and/or contractors shall be the responsibility of the Township of Southwold.
A quorum shall consist of not less than half plus one of the total numbers of appointed voting members. If there is no quorum within twenty (20) minutes of the scheduled time for the meeting, the Chairperson will re-schedule the meeting date. Members are urged to call the Chairperson and advise of any regrets.
At the first meeting in each calendar year, elections shall be held by the voting members for the positions of (1) Chairperson (2) Vice-Chairperson and (3) Directors, if required.
Vice Chairperson
Secretary (Staff Resource)
Absentee Members
If a member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings, except for health or special circumstances, the remaining members of the Committee may request Council to appoint a recommended replacement for the remainder of the term.
Alternates shall have the same privileges as an appointed member. In the event that a Committee member and/or the alternate cannot attend a meeting, another temporary replacement may be appointed by Council for that meeting.
New Members
The Committee shall recommend names of volunteers to Council for appointment to the Committee.
The Committee may, and is encouraged, to utilize additional volunteers who may participate, at the direction of the Chairperson, but not vote, at Committee meetings. Volunteers may attend or provide assistance to the Committee for general matters or items such as special events. The Committee should appoint volunteers by motion for the purpose of participation in such special events, shall include a note in the minutes of Committee meetings of attendance of such volunteers.
The Committee is a Committee of The Corporation of The Township of Southwold and has the authority to function within the parameters of their Terms of Reference.
The Committee will make recommendations in the form of minutes to the Council for final approval. The Committee will recognize its obligation to ethical behavior and avoidance of conflict of interest, as a body and as individuals, as well as its obligation to meet municipal, provincial, and federal legislative requirements including applicable procedures, policies and by-laws as approved by Southwold Council.
Authority for disposal of excess capital assets or supplies lies with the Council of the Township upon recommendation of the Committee.
The dissolution of a Committee may be triggered by one of the following:
a) Expiration of term
b) Completion of task or mandate
c) Resolution of issues
d) Legislative requirement no longer exists
e) Merger with another committee
f) Following the annual review process
g) Recommendation by Committee by resolution
h) Recommendation by Staff in Staff Report
i) Recommendation by Council
Regardless of a Committee sunset clause, all committees created by Council will formally be dissolved by Council resolution.
The following steps will be taken following the dissolution of a committee:
a) Committee will be removed from the active committee list;
b) Thank you letters on behalf of Council will be sent to committee members
c) Relevant staff members will be informed;
d) Council will be informed via correspondence from the Committee Chairperson
Schedule “D” to By-Law No. 2022-90
Southwold Zero Waste Committee
The Committee of Council shall be established and named as follows:
(a) Southwold Zero Waste Committee
The Terms of Reference shall apply to the Southwold Zero Waste Committee, as applicable.
To make recommendations to Council to maximize diversion from landfill facilities and actively promote waste prevention and reduction in the Township of Southwold.
To make recommendations to Council on resolutions, policies, and action items to reduce waste and increase diversion.
To make recommendations to Council on policies aimed at meeting the Strategic Plan Goal of investigating progressive waste management solutions and cost evaluations of diverse programs and service levels.
To support education and public awareness campaigns within the municipality that support the overall broader goal achieving zero waste in the community.
The Committee should be established to recommend strategies of improved waste reduction in the municipality.
To make recommendations to Administrative Staff and Council on the following for the Township:
Southwold Zero Waste Committee shall be responsible for the following:
(a) Drafting different strategies to support sustainable community events.
(b) Supporting community outreach efforts including public education and social media campaigns to promote waste reduction and waste diversion.
(c) Encouraging collaboration between community groups and consultation on waste/recycling/organics and different service level options for waste collection and disposal. Supporting providing comment on Township waste collections and disposal contracts.
(d) Making suggestions on ways to support municipal transition to less waste.
(e) Researching and identifying infrastructure needs in the municipality to support waste reduction goals.
(f) Providing support to community groups and committees to encourage waste reduction.
(g) Developing policies for administration and council consideration for:
(h) Working to fundraise and provide budget advice for waste reduction initiatives.
(i) Providing Council with the minutes of the Committee meetings to be approved by Council in a timely manner.
Meetings may be held on a monthly basis and/or as needed basis at the Township Municipal Office (35663 Fingal Line), or as called by the Chairperson of the Committee, at a time and place as agreed by members. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson.
The conduct of Committees of Council and its members are governed by the same legislation as Council. Of particular note, are the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The meetings of the Committee are open to the public. It will be at the decision of the Chairperson of the Committee, if the member(s) of the public are allowed to address the Committee.
Although, the meetings are open to the public, this does not allow the public to participate in the meeting, vote on any subject or contribute to the discussions.
Where a matter cannot be settled by consensus, a majority vote of members present will be used to reach a decision. The need for a vote will be at the discretion of the Chairperson, or as requested by a Committee member. A majority vote of the members present will be used to reach a decision.
The Committees of Council shall be comprised of the following members appointed by Council:
(a) Voting Members appointed for the term of Council:
Minimum of one (1) member of Council up to a maximum of two (2) members of Council (Note: More than two members
of Council attending a committee meeting could constitute as a Council meeting);
Minimum of four (4) to a maximum of six (6) volunteer members from the general Southwold community, consisting of the following community representation, if available:
Unless otherwise prohibited, membership on the Committees shall be for the term of Council unless terminated sooner by a resolution of Council. Members may be reappointed by resolution of Council to the following term. All members will remain in office until their respective successors as recommended by the Committee are appointed by Council. The Chairperson will be a voting member and will vote on all matters before the Committee. Voting members means the same as directors in these Terms of Reference.
(a) Non-Voting members:
The Township will provide appropriate Township staff resources to assist the Committee as necessary.
In order to qualify as an appointed volunteer Community member, Committee applicants shall;
In the event of a vacancy, either as a result of a resignation or expiration of the term of office, the Committee will recruit replacement members and recommend appointments to be made by Council.
It is anticipated that for various projects and initiatives that sub-committees to focus on one component of an action plan or a specific task will be formed by the Committee. These members would not be appointed by Council but would be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Committee; however, notice of such appointments must be immediately submitted in writing to Council. Appropriate minutes from the Sub-committee shall be maintained and circulated to the Committee and Council.
Hiring of all employees and/or contractors shall be the responsibility of the Township of Southwold.
A quorum shall consist of not less than half plus one of the total numbers of appointed voting members. If there is no quorum within twenty (20) minutes of the scheduled time for the meeting, the Chairperson will re-schedule the meeting date. Members are urged to contact the Chairperson and advise of any regrets.
At the first meeting in each calendar year, elections shall be held by the voting members for the positions of (1) Chairperson (2) Vice-Chairperson and (3) Directors, if required.
Vice Chairperson
Secretary (Staff Resource)
Absentee Members
If a member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings, except for health or special circumstances, the remaining members of the Committee may request Council to appoint a recommended replacement for the remainder of the term.
Alternates shall have the same privileges as an appointed member. In the event that a Committee member and/or the alternate cannot attend a meeting, another temporary replacement may be appointed by the committee for that meeting.
New Members
The Committee shall recommend names of volunteers to Council for appointment to the Committee.
The Committee may, and is encouraged, to utilize additional volunteers who may participate, at the direction of the Chairperson, but not vote, at Committee meetings. Volunteers may attend or provide assistance to the Committee for general matters or items such as special events. The Committee should appoint volunteers by motion for the purpose of participation in such special events, shall include a note in the minutes of Committee meetings of attendance of such volunteers.
The Committee is a Committee of The Corporation of The Township of Southwold and has the authority to function within the parameters of their Terms of Reference.
The Committee will make recommendations in the form of minutes to the Council for final approval. The Committee will recognize its obligation to ethical behavior and avoidance of conflict of interest, as a body and as individuals, as well as its obligation to meet municipal, provincial, and federal legislative requirements including applicable procedures, policies and by-laws as approved by Southwold Council.
Authority for disposal of excess capital assets or supplies lies with the Council of the Township upon recommendation of the Committee.
The dissolution of a Committee may be triggered by one of the following:
a) Expiration of term
b) Completion of task or mandate
c) Resolution of issues
d) Legislative requirement no longer exists
e) Merger with another committee
f) Following the annual review process
g) Recommendation by Committee by resolution
h) Recommendation by Staff in Staff Report
i) Recommendation by Council
Regardless of a Committee sunset clause, all committees created by Council will formally be dissolved by Council resolution.
The following steps will be taken following the dissolution of a committee:
a) Committee will be removed from the active committee list;
b) Thank you letters on behalf of Council will be sent to committee members
c) Relevant staff members will be informed;
d) Council will be informed via correspondence from the Committee Chairperson
Schedule “E” to By-Law No. 2022-90
Talbotville Station Technical Advisory Committee
The Committee of Council shall be established and named as follows:
(a) Talbotville Station Technical Advisory Committee
The Terms of Reference shall apply to the Talbotville Station Technical Advisory Committee, as applicable.
To ensure the Township receives a properly located, appropriately designed, and financially suitable building, that will serve the Fire Department for several decades.
To ensure the Township receives a properly located, appropriately designed, and financially suitable building, that will serve the Fire Department for several decades.
To make recommendations to Council on the properly located, appropriately designed and financially suitable building, that will serve the Fire Department.
Meetings may be held on a monthly basis and/or as needed basis at the Shedden Fire Hall, or as called by the Chairperson of the Committee, at a time and place as agreed by members. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson.
The conduct of Committees of Council and its members are governed by the same legislation as Council. Of particular note, are the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The meetings of the Committee are open to the public. It will be at the decision of the Chairperson of the Committee, if the member(s) of the public are allowed to address the Committee.
Although, the meetings are open to the public, this does not allow the public to participate in the meeting, vote on any subject or contribute to the discussions.
Where a matter cannot be settled by consensus, a majority vote of members present will be used to reach a decision. The need for a vote will be at the discretion of the Chairperson, or as requested by a Committee member. A majority vote of the members present will be used to reach a decision. In the event of a tied vote, the motion fails to pass.
The Committees of Council shall be comprised of the following members appointed by Council:
Voting Members appointed for the term of Council:
Unless otherwise prohibited, membership on the Committees shall be for the term of Council unless terminated sooner by a resolution of Council. Members may be reappointed by resolution of Council to the following term. All members will remain in office until their respective successors as recommended by the Committee are appointed by Council. The Chairperson will be a voting member and will vote on all matters before the Committee. Voting members means the same as directors in these Terms of Reference.
Non-Voting members:
The Township will provide appropriate Township staff resources to assist the Committee as necessary
In order to qualify as an appointed member of the public, Committee applicants shall;
In the event of a vacancy, either as a result of a resignation or expiration of the term of office, the Committee will recruit replacement members and recommend appointments to be made by Council.
No anticipation of the establishment of sub-committees.
Hiring of all employees and/or contractors shall be the responsibility of the Township of Southwold.
A quorum shall consist of not less than half plus one of the total numbers of appointed voting members. If there is no quorum within ten (10) minutes of the scheduled time for the meeting, the Chairperson will re-schedule the meeting date. Members are urged to contact the Chairperson and advise of any regrets.
Council has established the committee with the following positions of (1) Chairperson and (5) Committee Members.
Secretary (Staff Resource)
Committee Members
Absentee Members
If a member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings, except for health or special circumstances, the remaining members of the Committee may request Council to appoint a recommended replacement for the remainder of the term.
The Committee is a Committee of The Corporation of The Township of Southwold and has the authority to function within the parameters of their Terms of Reference.
The Committee will make recommendations in the form of minutes to the Council for final approval. The Committee will recognize its obligation to ethical behavior and avoidance of conflict of interest, as a body and as individuals, as well as its obligation to meet municipal, provincial, and federal legislative requirements including applicable procedures, policies and by-laws as approved by Southwold Council.
Authority for disposal of excess capital assets or supplies lies with the Council of the Township upon recommendation of the Committee.
The dissolution of a Committee may be triggered by one of the following:
a) Expiration of term
b) Completion of task or mandate
c) Resolution of issues
d) Legislative requirement no longer exists
e) Merger with another committee
f) Following the annual review process
g) Recommendation by Committee by resolution
h) Recommendation by Staff in Staff Report
i) Recommendation by Council
Regardless of a Committee sunset clause, all committees created by Council will formally be dissolved by Council resolution.
The following steps will be taken following the dissolution of a committee:
a) Committee will be removed from the active committee list;
b) Thank you letters on behalf of Council will be sent to committee members
c) Relevant staff members will be informed;
d) Council will be informed via correspondence from the Committee Chairperson
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